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Posts tagged domesday book
CRIME TRAVEL in TOLEDO, OHIO -- A Terrible Tragedy - The Murder of Mr. John Harmon

John Harmon, a highly respected citizen is shot and killed in cold blood by Peter D. Cole on Main Street in the town of Deshler, Ohio just outside of Toledo, Ohio. Several witnesses were present in the six shot murder, including Mr. Harmon’s young son, as he is gunned down, traumatizing both families involved, as well as the town for one last time.

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10 Brick Walls And How To (Possibly) Break Them Down

As a Genealogist... you've probably already discovered that the term "Brick Wall" is discussed almost regularly! We love to chat about the brick walls that are blocking our search into families' pasts. Usually, these brick walls are only detours that we can find our way around by stepping back and taking a fresh look at our research.... seeking out different record types... or doing some cluster research to find a clue buried in the overload of information.

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Genealogy, Home, Latest, ResourcesKelleryn Amstutzbusiness, business builder, build, collections, church records, census records, correspondence, custom lists, citizenship records, Church Records, conclusion, citizenship, complexion, court docket, Coroner Reports, Charts, certificates of arrival, Certificate Course, certificate course, focus, uncover, records, Microfilm, ancestry, Ancestry.com, declarations of intention, Social Security Index, Secondary Source, executor, discover, Anecstors Life, trace your ancestors, place of residence, Deeds, date and port of arrival, DNA, detainee notations, debts, databases, detective, death certificates, death records, Death Record Map, identify, adoption, administrator, orders, Old Photos, indexes, land scarcity, land records, guardianship, guardian, guardianship records, final destination, State and County Offices, move forward, ellis island, American Indian, travel abroad, Funeral Records, Military Records, list of attached records, emigration records, passenger list recording forms, naturalization records, goal, Genealogy, Genealogy Journey, organic, high taxes, immigrants, immigration, immigration passenger lists, Vintage Photographs, foreign governments, Mailing List, passenger, passenger lists, passenger name, investigative tools, investigator, MyHeritage, moms working from home, write as you go, Professional GenealogistHere, Professional Genealogist, History, how, history, historians, heir, health conditions, Historical Society, oaths, important, Information Review, wills, Primary Source, ships master, arrival, arrival lists, petitions, native country, online sources, Family, famines, Family Tree, family history, Family History Library, FamilySearch, applications, American Ancestors, Native American Ancestry, Native American, Tribe, question, freebie, beneficiary, mom life, allegiance, Born in the USA, naturalization, transcription, naturalization petitions, naturalization numbers, crop failures, paper trail, relative, resource list, work at home, know, work from home, framework, port of embarkation, flow, solve problems, summary, name of ship, newspapers, Newsletter, Newspapers.com, bond, journey, probate, probate court, Resources, place of birth, USB, estate, Research, Results, research trail, abstracts, free forms, further research, future, brick walls, break down brick walls, record search, online records, no records available, end of the trail, patience, tax list, voting list, city directories, phone books, maiden name, nee, common name, land management, fresh perspective, destroyed records, national archives, enumeration, never created, records missing, american records, scotlandspeople, end of written records, domesday book, nobility, royalty, the begats, the end, course, check out my course, genealogy servicesComment